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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 11  CBS  July 7, 2011 1:35am-2:10am PDT

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♪ what did we learn on the show tonight, craig? ♪ [meow] craig: well, rosie is gone and i've returned to my normal state. [laughter] she is a lovely woman, isn't she? i wonder if i ever did meet her back in the day back then. it is hard to say because i was very high. [laughter]
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but i'm not condoning that kind of lifestyle and i'll tell you why. because legally i shouldn't. [laughter] good night, everybody. captioned by the national captioning institute [ man ] i got this new citi thankyou card
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and started earning loads of points. you got a weather balloon with points? yes i did. [ man ] points i could use for just about anything. ♪ ♪ there it is. [ man ] so i used mine to get a whole new perspective. ♪ [ male announcer ] the new citi thankyou premier card gives you more ways to earn points. what's your story? citi can help you write it.
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. you're watching cbs eyewitness news. >> good evening. i'm allen martin. >> i'm dana king. you have seen them plenty of times on the news, the huge air tankers used to fight fires. >> tonight they are grounded probably for good. elizabeth cook on how big of an impact it'll make this summer. >> reporter: take a good look. this may be the last time you see this powerful firefighting tool in action over california. why? >> tough budget times. . >> reporter: just as the fire season heats up cal fires canceled the contract with the nation's largest air tanker country to save money. >> if we cannot get it
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reinstated we don't know how long we can last many last. >> reporter: rick is the ceo of ten tanker carrier, the inner of the planes that hold up to 12,000 gallons. >> we were relying on california and they reason us. >> reporter: they are based in the southern california desert and aren't cheap to operate costing taxpayers $7 million a year. >> it's expensive but it's cost effective and what is saved is of course if you are talking lives it's -- you can't put a price on it. >> reporter: not everybody agrees. critics have called them nothing more than cnn drops, meaning they were more show than effect in fikeing a fire. >> that's a common reaction among people who have a bias toward spending that kind of money on something else. >> reporter: even without the planes california residents shouldn't worry they say. >> we feel confident we have
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kept the initial attack capability intact. >> reporter: now with the old contract with the state the plane could be up in the air in less than an hour. the state could still call for them but because there is no contract it could take up to 24 hours. >> a lot of pressure on ground crews. >> yeah. >> thank you. >> mexican navy is extending it's search of the sea looking for the men still missing after that fishing boat capsized. now we are hearing from survivors. how they made it to shore alive. >> reporter: exhausted and sun burned, survivors of the shipwreck are helped on board a helicopter. >> praise god for letting me be here today as well as the rest of them. >> reporter: michael's brother is missing, he wants to be sure the search continues. >> i was in the water 16 hours
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and i was okay. given this may be the third day there is still hope. >> reporter: california state senator said he has a promise from from mexico. >> my staff and i have contacted the mexican consulate and they said that they will do all they can to continue the search for survivors rgood news for those hoping the missing men are still floating in the warm waters of the sea. the crew think they were savored by soda in a cooler. vick. >> we don't give up, smart, do whatever it takes. very resourceful. >> reporter: do they do survive pool training. >> no but we watch a lot of it on tv like all of us. >> reporter: early tomorrow a united states coast guard plane
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will take off in sacramento and head to the sea of cortez to continue searching. mexican navy boats and air craft will also continue to look. >> and the water is warm so, you know, there is great reason to continue. >> not like in the bay. i think there is a chance. >> okay. thank you. >> sure. >> part of a popular cycling and jogging trail is closed after a man was shot in the head. the shooting happened on the trail in pittsburgh near harper street and atlantic circle. someone came across the victim around 8:45 and then ran into a nearby mcdonalds to get help. pair the trail runs from concord through pittsburgh and antioch and then ends in oakley. there have been a number of violent incidents in the past couple months. >> an 83-year-old is dead after a skateboarder hit her.
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the 17 -year-old was riding down a hill while the woman was crossing the street in the crosswalk. the skateboarder saw the woman, hopped off and tried to avoid her but it was to late. the woman lived with her husband george. >> i don't know what to do. we were together so long that -- you just -- loose track of everything. >> the woman died late last night. the skateboarder wasn't hurt or arrested. his parents were told what happened and detectives are looking into it. >> other bay area headlines, oakland police chief has overhauled his department. the hope is to be more efficient fighting crime. among the biggest changes, the department will split into two areas instead of three. it'll be east and west. the chef is also eliminating
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specialized units like motorcycle and bike squads. those officers will be moved to regular patrols. bart police are still interviewing witnesses who saw officers shoot and kill a man on the bart platform. they say about 40 saw it. officers say they opened fire after the man lunged at them with a knife. bart will release video when it finishes the investigation. ? and san francisco police think this is the art thief that pulled a surprisingly simple theft of a picasso. after walking out of the gallery the suspect walked past a bar which has a security camera. the hope that the video will generate tips that lead to the recovery. >> a new alert, terrorists are going to more extremes to get bombs on board air craft. why it gives new meaning to the
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term surgical strike. >> reporter: the devices that the tsa warned of would be tough for even full body scanners to see. plastic explosives inside the body. >> we have information about attempts to use this technique to try to carry out plotting to brow up planes. >> reporter: a source says al- qaeda operatives recently expressed interest in recruiting a doctor to implant the explosives, on this website a man claiming to be a doctor described the appeal last year. through surgery i could put the bomb device inside the body of the suicide bomber, without the need of suicide vests. isn't this way better than all the other options? the tactic has never been used successfully and cbs national
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security analyst says terrorists bomb makers are far from perfecting it. >> there are several problems to making an effective explosive operate inside a human body, especially one that has to stay there for some time. the body itself will act as a bit of a cushion to the effect of the explosiveful. >> reporter: that's just what happened in october of 2009 when a suicide bomber made it through two airport scout checkpoints with a device strapped between his buttocks. he was killed but his target a top counter terrorism official was barely hurt. still al-qaeda's newest approach shows how desperate the organization is to place a bomb on a plane after two previous plots failed. the first involved underwear bomber in december of 2009. the second and more high end
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attempt involved bombs in printer cartridges shipped on cargo planes last fall. the tsa said air travelers, particularly those headed to the united states from overseas can expect more random searches and pat downs in light of the most recent warnings. cbs news. >> the president reversed a longstanding united states policy on military suicide. the families of troops who take their lives while deployed will get presidential letters of sympathy. the president said he made the decision after a year of review along with pentagon chiefs and commanders. veteran groups called it long over due. >> while we think it's a positive first step i think a lot more needs to be done that the white house kneads to redouble its resolve to addressing the epidemic. >> the change will not apply to troops who commit suicide or die in training accidents in
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the united states. in the army alone 156 took their lives last year. over 1700 attempted it. >> the bottom line is we have bills to pay and today the president told both parties deals will have to be made in order to get that done. the president needs republican support to raise the debt ceiling. they want spending cuts. the president said it's not the time for a standoff. >> the debt ceiling should not be something that is used as a gun against the heads of the american people to extract tax breaks for corporate jet owners. >> we all want a big package and i hope there will be some kind of breakthrough tomorrow. >> reporter: there are signs a compromise is close. democratic sources safety president called all four congressional leaders and made the case for doing an even
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larger debt deal. the new one preferred by the president would save four trillon dollars instead of two. republicans would have to free to raise taxes and cut defense spending. democrats would have to free to deep cuts in medicare and medicaid. >> not example a mom is supposed to set. the sneaky way three pta moms accused of scamming dozens out of millions of dollars. >> when you think cold you might think winter but tonight why summer colds can be worse. >> a fast food restaurant going out of its way to play nice. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, problem in the
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. three pta moms in an los angeles suburb are in jail, cops say they ran a huge scheme. investigators say the women would get victims at school events to invest in companies
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like a dairy that supposedly had rights to distribute at disneyland. they promised 100% returns. in all 40 people were defrauded of a total of a million dollars. >> everybody from the school was involved from the yard duty to the teachers to the principal was aware. >> investigators say the group made four million dollars. the sheriff described the victims as good, hard working people who didn't want to miss out on an opportunity to make a better life for their families. >> after a wet winter and spring most people probably think the worst is over when it comes toed coulds, summer colds could be worse than the cold weather counterparts. cold and flu viruses in the winter can combine with others in the summer. the combination can last longer, come back faster and . >> it taxes the immune system
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more, we are more run down and that's what is -- making it last longer. >> doctors think summer activity after a winter layoff can also wear out the systems more quickly, increased air travel with air conditioning, recirculated air all increases chances of getting sick. >> not everybody in one city is happen country with their new neighbor. the beef they have with a burger giant. >> reporter: this is a pretty dimly lit neighborhood and this sign is more than six stories tall and the bright eve thing out here. the neighbors this is a huge eye sore. as if the bay area housing market wasn't bad enough homeowners in this neighborhood say this is the last thing they need. >> i mean -- that is one giant
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sign when you are back here. >> reporter: the newest neighbor an in and out restaurant. not only can you see the sign from the back but the front yard. he said it's $500,000 house has probably gone down 10%. >> i'm trying to sell it and the thing you see is that no matter what i do you will see that. it's. >> reporter: it's worse at night, lighting up the drive. he said the restaurant is violating its use permit. the last line says the sign will not spill over onto properties. >> it's a invasion into our home to have that light shining through your curtains. one of the families mentioned that every day is like the 4th of july. >> reporter: the restaurant said they are trying to be a
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good neighbor. it's the first location in the country to have air scrubbers installed to control the smell of fried food. when neighbors said the speakers were to loud they stopped using them. they will listen but any changes now are completely up to them. >> it would be exceedingly difficult and -- not likely that we would be able to lower that sign and still make the business work. >> reporter: he said they aren't anti business, he likes to the restaurant. he said the company has always acted in good faith and he has one last request. >> if they put trees in, if they were to put in a screen, to cover the sign so it's not so visible from the neighbor load and they were to lower the light that would help. >> reporter: and the other big issue are the early morning deliver res that they get here at 4:00. the neighbors are hoping to get relief with that as well. the good news is at least the
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signs turn off at 1:00. >> the neighborhoods that will see that sun for thursday as the news continues ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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back to set thanks, roberta. a shocker in the world cup...the a's deal a s . good evening, temperatures still above normal for this time of the year andl of the inland locations, now look at the studio weather camera -- in the background you see a hint of some of that, stratus and a wind out of the west that will bring in cooler air mass so a bit cooler for thursday. tomorrow morning a blanket of fog along the coast and working into the bay. otherwise bright sun as you begin your day. this is the pinpoint forecast, 5:00, the morning drive for many of you and notice how far inland the bank, the fog and the low clouds trail, during
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the day and then friday morning starting again with more cloud cover. we will entering that typical summertime pattern and that marine layer will continue to deep especially, all because of the area of low pressure over british columbia. right now it's about one thousand feet deep, should be 2,000, by the weekend allowing cooler temperatures. so, meanwhile, tonight, blanket of clouds, otherwise mid40s for the authority. 57 livermore after a high of 98 9 -- winds out of the northwest, tracy as well as morgan hill. 83 san jose, if you head out to the county fair four more days left of lots of fun, 91s degrees. the extended forecast calls for repeat performance on friday.
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additional cooling takes place at that deepening marine player, this time next week talking about cool temperatures, you may want to head on out to point reyes, that's the sunset. you didn't see that tonight because they were socked in. that is what it should look like when it's clear. >> photograph shop action there. >> it's beautiful out there. >> last time i checked they were still playing. >> they were almost burning the midnight oil. long game. we will tell you about the a's, the world cup and deep into the 9th.
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great...roll it from at&t... where there's kilts and . had line tomorrow's paper like this, nate the great, roll it from at&t and you know where there are kilts there is a guiness close by. pablo teen to the part of the park. i think he thought it was gone. it identifies identifyties at five. sandoval making the play, back handed to get ludwig -- that preserved the tie. they go all the way to the -- 14 the inning and na, it e who earlier had hit a home run, sends the crowd home. second long ball the game.
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the giants 10th walk off win. it's over. giants win 6-5. the mariners going for the sweep against the aa who would have thought sizemore would be the leading hitter? there goes his third homer of the year. it was a big lift for that man. seven scoreless innings, era of 2.1. they are going to texas for a four game series. >> roger clemens. >> goodness. the clemens trial started today. he is a accused of lying when he denied using performance enhancing drugs. jury selection started and is expected to be done by next week. attorneys read the list of former players who could be required to testify. barry bonds, sammy sosa and others.
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a number one ranged american facing sweden, solo with a shut out streak until this. 35th minute. the free kick deflect off usa and in sweden -- their biggest win in world cup history. the wednesday night top five. roll that. the americans have their hands full with brazil, players like erica juggles the ball to herself, brazil3-0 and get ready for team usa. at number four, torres, watch him just pluck the ball. he had three hits and that huge catch. he had a couple defensive gems, jeter is three hits 3,000 but his biggest highlight by the leather, indians win. this is from the now you see him now you don't.
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nick -- robs -- as he looses it,. stanton, home run, wins it for the marlins over the phillies and watch the abuse. >> you got -- >> beat it. beat it. all right. . >> just get it over with. >> four times for him to finally get there. jack said -- he said so powerful he reminds him of the hall of famer. nobody would walk up to him and try something, like, that, ever. good job for him. >> ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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